

Centrale Molini

“Molini” hydroelectric plant uses an average flow of 110 l / s and a maximum of 200 l / s derived from the Valle di Rio, in the Municipality of Rumo (TN), at an altitude of 1,500 m asl The intake structure is transverse to the current and is covered by the collection grid and the central channel for the release of the minimum vital flow. The water is conveyed into the adjacent sedimentation tank, from which it is fed to the central building through a three-kilometer steel pipe with a diameter of 400 mm. The central building is located at 1,000 m asl and houses a Pelton-type turbine with two horizontal-axis nozzles. The work was carried out at the end of the 1980s and is now in the transformation phase to recover efficiency and enjoy the Green Certificates as an energy plant

Centrale Barnés - Barnés Hydroelectric Company in the Municipality of Bresimo (TN)

The new hydroelectric plant uses an average flow of 509 l / s and a maximum of 1200 l / s with a geodetic jump of 300 meters. It develops a maximum power of 3000 kw. The study required a long and complex decision-making process for the assessment of environmental impacts, for the study of incidence and the river function index provided by the General Plan of Use of Public Waters in the province of Trento.

Solar thermal and photovoltaic plant in Castel Basso di Bresimo (TN)

The project of the Altaguarda Natural Center foresees that the basic energy used by the building is clean. The sun provides the source for heating water for sanitary purposes and for low voltage electricity production using a photovoltaic system. The plant designed in the early 2000s was among the forerunners of a technological sector that has undergone great development in recent years.

Central Pelton water wheel

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